miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Chapter 3


Faced: Afrontar
Capable: Capaç
Beams: Raig
Dot: Petit
Rub:  Fregar
Stiff: Rígid
Attached: Adjunt
Cover: Tapat


Half a year after, the two scientists changed the expedition to a space station controlled by QT-1, know as Cutie for Mike and Powell. This robot one day started asking about his existence, and strange question emerged for a robot... The scientists started talking about how they made him but quickly Cutie said that it was impossible because an imperfect human being could made robots. They must was powerfully than robots. And the reason it thought that was because robots were created by The Master, how a God for the humans being. Mike and Powell seeing this situation decided create another robot for show it, but Cutie thought the same aging. Finally the scientists surrendered and thought that while the robot produce full, no problem. But couldn't be well, because Cutie worked for himself rather obey humans and it could expand to the other robots...

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