Rather: Més bé
Delay: Retrás
Fool: Idiota
Fog: Boira
Rather: Més bé
Delay: Retrás
Fool: Idiota
Fog: Boira
In this chapter was involved diferent people. In a room was debating the why of an event unprecedented among robots created. Of the postrionics brains the thay had created after they observed that robots with this brains could read minds. In this room were Dr. Susan Calvin, Alfred Lanning and Peter Bogert. While they tried to know why this robot could read minds, the robot said what people thought. Althought sometimes it should lie to avoid violating the first law, but this made things worse. So worse until it show they that Susan was a false, and how the robot hurts she to try to don't hurt anybody the robot entered a mental block. Finally the robot broken it.