domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Chapter 5

Rather: Més bé
Delay: Retrás
Fool: Idiota
Fog: Boira


In this chapter was involved diferent people.  In a room was debating the why of an event unprecedented among robots created. Of the postrionics brains the thay had created after they observed that robots with this brains could read minds. In this room were Dr. Susan Calvin, Alfred Lanning and Peter Bogert. While they tried to know why this robot could read minds, the robot said what people thought. Althought sometimes it should lie to avoid violating the first law, but this made things worse. So worse until it show they that Susan was a false, and how the robot hurts she to try to don't hurt anybody the robot entered a mental block. Finally the robot broken it.

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Chapters of the book


DR. Susan Calvin: Borned in 1982. Woman who have worked with robots since she was twenty, she saw the firts robot with a voice. Phisically shi is a cold girl, plain and colourless and dislike the world around her, strong advocate of robots. She began work at US Robots as the first robot psychologist in 2008.

Mike Donovan: He is a scientits who have made importants expeditionts around the universe in all his life. He works with his coleague Donovan and they make this expeditions with robots in their tasks. He exacly control them. Donovan have a red hair  wild and is very friendly. 

Powell: Is an other scientits who works with robots around the universe acompained with his coleague Donovan, they do the expeditions and get the objectives together. His task is resolve the mechanic robots problems and find the cause of it.

Chapter 4

Fetched: anar a buscar
Kicked: patalellar
Shut: tancar
Nodded: aristocrata
Frowned: Torçat
Slid: Deslisar
Gun: Pistola
Soldiers: Soldat


In this time Mike and Donovan was working with asteroids, the problem arises when Donovan watches the robots working, but at the moment when Donovan stop observing realizes that one robots doesn't work. Donovan explain to Powell and he made a revision to the robot but in the results all are ok. Althoung Powell say that thist robot have something peculiar and Donovan demostrates as a conclusion that the robot becomes independent when it fells stressed.

Chapter 3


Faced: Afrontar
Capable: Capaç
Beams: Raig
Dot: Petit
Rub:  Fregar
Stiff: Rígid
Attached: Adjunt
Cover: Tapat


Half a year after, the two scientists changed the expedition to a space station controlled by QT-1, know as Cutie for Mike and Powell. This robot one day started asking about his existence, and strange question emerged for a robot... The scientists started talking about how they made him but quickly Cutie said that it was impossible because an imperfect human being could made robots. They must was powerfully than robots. And the reason it thought that was because robots were created by The Master, how a God for the humans being. Mike and Powell seeing this situation decided create another robot for show it, but Cutie thought the same aging. Finally the scientists surrendered and thought that while the robot produce full, no problem. But couldn't be well, because Cutie worked for himself rather obey humans and it could expand to the other robots...

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

First opinion

About how I read in the two first chapters, I had others ideas about this reading because I tought the would be different than it is. For be sincere I hoped that the book was how the film and ins't be like it...
At the beginning of this book  I found it interesting because the first chapter is a falshforward to the history, it explain how pass at a particular time of the present and start to talk about  the past when starts the second chapter...

I hope I will like this book when I will be reading it,  because I don't like how start the history in the beginning and I think finally that this book wasn't for me. But I will read it with the same interesting. :)



Wild: Salvatge
Rushed Down: Precipitar-se
Toward: cap a
Rub: Fregar
Sudden: Inesperat
Bent: curvat.
Rusty : oxidat
Bring: Portar.
Cliff: penyasegat
Cut off: Aillar

Mike Donovan and Greg Powell, two scientists working with robots, were in a expedition in Mercury. Mr Donovan order to Speedy, the robot who they were working, go and fetch Selenium for his expedition. The problem started when 5 hours past Speedy didn't come back, and then the scientists went to the sub-levels to looking for Speedy. When they found Speedy, looked it runaway because of selenium, witch made it don't follow the instructions of people orders. Speedy was disobeying the second law, but how It cost was so expensive they couldn't afford to destroy it. Seeing this situation they red the three law again and saw one possibility to solve this situation. The first law said: a robot have allowed a human being to come to harm. This law could be the solution and Powell risk his life and finally Speedy could respond on this situation, created because of environvent make in the sublevel.

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012




Injure: Ferir                                   Clusmy: Maldestre
Allow: Permetre                             Whole: Tot
Harm: Dany                                   Sharp: Afilat
Obey: Obeir                                  Reaches: Alcanç                               
As long as such: Sempre i quan.      Afterwords: Més tard.
Sent out: Emetre/ Llançar


All begins when a journalist, who is researching the robot’s origin for his newspaper, met in his first interview Dr. Susan Calvin, a woman very cold and unsociable. She was the first person to create a robot with voice and the journalist was interested about that. He starts asking why the necessity to live with robots. Dr. Calvin with a convincing tone said that robots arrive and make things that we can’t do. Besides, she explained that now robots are a perfect version of our and we control them. Susan persist that we control them because of do expeditions for go to Mart or Mercury. And finally concluded, if he wanted to investigate more about the expeditions, the journalist would visit Mr. Powell, a person who of course could help him.

martes, 17 de julio de 2012

Before reading


The author of the reading "I, Robot" is Isaac Asimov borned in Russia but the most part of his life was in Brooklyn, USA. Person of science beacause he studied chemistry in Columbia University and after became a professor of biochemisty. But not only he liked the science because after he dedicated full-time to be a writter, keeping conection  with the chemistry university at the same time.

This connection between science and letters made Asimov to create a lot of sciencie-fiction books. This interesting arise for he was nine and read for the first time this type of book. But wasn't until he was twenty when his first story was published. And gradually he wrote aproximally a hundred of short stories, some of this novels getting awards, novels as "Foundation" or "I, Robot".

He finally became a famous not only for what was about the books, otherwise his writting is clear and uncomplicated making easy the scientist details how will happen with the story that I will read.


Welcome to my English blog!

 I start this blog explaining in the first entry what I will do. This summer I will read a short story to practice more my English and whenever I read the book I will work about it in this blog. Of all the books that I could choose for read, finally I have decided the story of Issac Asimov: I, Robot. I choose that one because is different than the typical stories of readings books for learning english, is new, modern and for me interesting. 

Well I work with this blog throughout the summer and I hope that will be interesting and entertaining.